Implementation Rotation

This year-long rotation will pair the fellow with a faculty member with implementation experience to support the implementation of collaborative care in a community primary care practice. Together they will spend the first part of the rotation preparing the practice for implementation of collaborative care. The fellow will then provide a combination of collaborative care psychiatric consultation and telepsychiatry to the clinic once care is launched. A focus on supporting the practice change necessary to achieve integration of collaborative care through the sustainability phase will be the focus of the last part of the year.

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to define the key components of a collaborative care program
  • Understand the evidence-based literature about integrated mental health programs and promote them to primary care leadership
  • Describe the different roles and providers in a collaborative care program and the ways they support clients
  • Be familiar with collaborative care implementation and developing a workflow (including triaging patients to appropriate level of care)
  • Demonstrate active participation in and provision of psychiatric consultation and telepsychiatry in a collaborative care team
  • Be able to work effectively with a care manager including being able to identifying skill set, knowledge, and attitudes of individual care managers and tailoring consultation hour consultation to their abilities
  • Be aware of strategies to effectively communicate with primary care providers


  • Participate in all implementation activities
  • Travel to implementation site as needed
  • Provide weekly psychiatric consultation
  • Provide telepsychiatric consultation as needed