Danielle Waldron, MSN, ARNP

Danielle Waldron, MSN, ARNP is entering her eighth year as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She works both at Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) and in a small private practice in Snohomish County. In her clinical work at the BHUC, she assesses patients in crisis and assists those with difficulties accessing psychiatric care in their community. She provides psychiatric evaluation as well as consultation with ER physicians, primary care providers, and case managers, with the goal of assisting with ongoing care recommendations. She encounters a wide range of psychiatric disorders in this setting. In her work in private practice, she provides ongoing medication management and supportive therapy.

While she has some experience collaborating with primary care providers in her current work, she would like to improve her knowledge and skill set through the UW Community Based Integrated Care Fellowship. She is particularly interested in improving care around perinatal mental health and substance use disorders in integrated models. These patients are often seen as too complex for integrated care; however, they often have no other options for care. Her participation in this program will improve how she is able to advocate for integrated care for patient populations who are underserved.

In five years from now she hopes to see Collaborative Care expanded to reach more patients in need of psychiatric care in a timely manner.

Yehonatan Shilo, MD

Yehonatan Shilo, MD is a psychiatrist at PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center in Longview, WA. 

He spends ⅔ of his time in outpatient, and ⅓ of his time doing hospital work and consultations in the ED as well as on the medical/surgical floors. 

This is his first job as an attending, after a long international journey in which he was exposed as a student, intern and resident to psychiatric care and primary care in Italy, Israel and now, the USA. 

Dr. Shilo’s interest in collaborative/integrated care has increased since he started practicing in a more rural/underserved area, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic. The limited access to care has made first presentations more clinically severe and has unnecessarily prolonged suffering. 

He hopes to gain tools that will allow him to help more people in an efficient and safe way. 

Dr. Shilo believes that in today’s reality in which psychiatric care is constantly lacking in availability and the prevalence of mental health problems only keeps rising, collaborative/integrated care will become more prevalent and being part of the model will become the reality for a lot of psychiatrists. 

Benjamin Stephens, MD

Benjamin Stephens, MD is a 2021 graduate from the University of Virginia General Psychiatry Residency now in private practice in the Charlottesville, Virginia area.  He spends most of his time in direct patient care and hopes to form relationships with local primary care providers to establish his own collaborative care practice.  Dr. Stephens clinical experiences with behavioral health integration in primary care and rural telemedicine to underserved areas of Virginia has driven his interest in the collaborative care model.  He hopes to deliver higher quality care, at lower cost, to more Virginians who need mental health services.  By participating in the Community Based Fellowship Dr. Stephens hopes to bring the best practices in collaborative care back to Central Virginia.  In 5 years he hopes to have his own collaborative care practice and see collaborative care become more common in psychiatry residency training programs in Virginia.


Bianca Reis, DNP, ARNP, PMHNP-BC graduated from the Doctor of Nurse Practice program at the University of Washington in 2020 and has since worked as an outpatient Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at a Community Health Center treating children through adults. Prior to this, Dr. Reis worked as a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist at UW-Valley Medical Center, overseeing the treatment of patients on the medical floors hospitalized with a primary or secondary, co-occurring psychiatric condition.

Dr. Reis would like to bring the extraordinary multidisciplinary and collaborative care work and effort she has experienced in the acute care setting to the outpatient setting. Although the collaborative care model is growing in community health, there continues to be systemic barriers to its progress and success. Dr. Reis hopes that this program will provide the tools to address the obstacles so that collaborative and integrated care models can grow and thrive.

Five years from now, she hopes that most of the current barriers to meaningful collaborative/integrated care models are eliminated so that care team members communicate effectively to bring about improved outcomes in our communities. 

MaryAnne Murray, DNP, EdD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CARN-AP

MaryAnne Murray, DNP, EdD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CARN-AP has lived in Western Washington since she was a small child. Twenty years ago she left the big city and has lived in a series of rural communities. When she landed on the Long Beach Peninsula eight years ago, she found her place of joy. She is self-employed in a small private practice, plus she contract her services to a residential substance use disorder treatment program where she performs a psychiatric evaluation and medication management for each client. She also does some teaching, including precepting PMHNP students.

She has undergone training in MindBody Medicine and believes that health care needs to address the needs of the whole person. Integrated care is one way to accomplish this, and this fellowship offers a model which can work effectively while leveraging the skills of a psychiatric prescriber as a consultant to assist primary care providers in helping patients achieve their goals. She hopes to do this for her hometown and other communities in her rural county. She hopes to collaborate with two primary care physicians and a cast of ancillary-skilled individuals to create an integrated care clinic which likely will serve individuals from their town as well as 0communities up to 50 miles away.

In 2026, she expects that integrative care will be the model that people demand. She predicts that unless a person has a longstanding relationship with a particular primary care provider, he or she will reject primary care options which fail to include the whole-person focus. By that time, the other primary care clinics in her rural county will have adopted our model, or ask her or her team to show them how they have accomplished it. She hopes that by 2026, her team will be able to provide this care in a cost-effective manner with appropriate reimbursement which will allow them to pay their team reasonably well, offer the best healthcare place to work, and provide the most comprehensive healthcare services in the county.

Anna Raymaker, DNP, ARNP, PMHNP-BC

Anna Raymaker, DNP, ARNP, PMHNP-BC provides psychiatric services at Columbia Valley Community Health (CVCH), a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), in Chelan, WA. This is the first time that CVCH Chelan has had a psychiatric prescriber on site full-time. Dr. Anna Raymaker provides both ongoing psychiatric treatment to a panel of patients as well as consultative services to the primary care providers (PCPs) at CVCH Chelan.

Dr. Anna Raymaker has worked in healthcare for approximately 10 years, and has explored various settings, specialties, and geographic locations throughout her career. She feels fortunate to have a meandering and nonlinear career, as it has provided her with so many unique and rewarding learning experiences.

CVCH Chelan utilizes an integrated care model, where medical, dental, and behavioral health services are provided under the same roof and in a collaborative way. Dr. Anna Raymaker is new to this model and hopes to further develop the communication and clinical skills necessary for this model of care through the UW Community-Based Integrated Care Fellowship.

Dr. Anna Raymaker hopes that involvement with the UW Community-Based Integrated Care Fellowship will allow her to help facilitate growth of behavioral health services within her agency and her community. For the near future, Dr. Anna Raymaker hopes that integrated care becomes a possible model for all rural communities, as rural healthcare continues have unmet primary care and behavioral health needs. 

Sachiko Oshio, PhD

Sahciko Oshio, PhD has a private practice mainly focused on women’s care for Japanese speaking women. She has been providing midwifery and women’s healthcare in various settings (private obstetrician’s office, my own private clinic, and hospital-based midwifery practices) in the past 20 years and recently added mental healthcare to the same population. Her main interest is women’s reproductive mental healthcare.

She is a novice as a mental healthcare provider. She hopes to learn from the leaders and fellow participants the arts of mental healthcare. She would like to develop a network of resources she can turn to and send patients to as appropriate for their needs, and in turn, she would like to be a resource for Puget Sound area women’s healthcare providers and birth communities.

Psychiatric mental healthcare can be more effective when paired with the content-specific expertise of specialists in various settings. For example, she is intimately familiar with experiences of infertility treatments, miscarriages and still births. She has supported patients through traumatic birth experiences and knows the reality of having a challenging newborn infant at home. By adding collaborative care provision skills, she can support perinatal/women’s healthcare providers with stronger mental health component.

Mental healthcare will become routine component for midwives and women’s healthcare providers.

Angela Carter, ARNP, PMHNP-BC

Angela Carter, ARNP, PMHNP-BC is currently completing her Doctor of Nursing at Vanderbilt University. She received her Master’s degree at the University of Washington School of Nursing, and her post-MSN at Maryville University. She is in her 2nd year of serving psychiatric patients ages 16 years and above at the Helping Hearts Advanced Psychiatry Clinic, PLLC with various mental health care needs. She was an Adjunct Professor at the Seattle University from 2013-2019. She has advanced skills in telepsychiatry practice and is in interested in incorporating the collaborative care model into current practice.

Julie Christiansen, ARNP

Julie Christiansen, ARNP is currently working as a psychiatric consultant in a primary care setting at CHAS Health, a community health organization based in Spokane. She splits her time between an urban clinic in the downtown corridor with a large homeless population in Spokane as well as a small rural community in Deer Park. Her daily panel is a mix of initial intakes, consultations with primary care providers and follow up appointments. One of the most satisfying aspects of the practice is the opportunity to work with complex, treatment resistant patients when they experience an improvement in function. The volume and complexity of patients keeps the day interesting.

Integrated care at CHAS Health has the potential to improve mental health outcomes in the primary care setting. CHAS Health’s Market Street clinic currently has a modified integrated care practice with a strong psychiatric consultant based there. One goal for Ms.Christiansen is becoming better equipped to implement a more integrated approach to psychiatric services at CHAS Health’s downtown and Deer Park clinics. She looks forward to learning skills related to providing psychiatric consultation to primary care providers who are resistant to change from “usual practice”.

Five years from now, she would like to see an established integrated care model at CHAS Health across all clinics, allowing increased access to psychiatry services in the primary care setting.

Tamra Johnson, PMHNP

Tamra Johnson, ARNP, PMHNP-BC is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Woman’s Health Care Center, at UW Medical Center – Roosevelt.  She provides mental healthcare services for individuals ages 13 and older and works collaboratively with the primary care providers, obstetrics and gynecology providers, specialty healthcare providers, and MSWs, to provide a “team-based” approach to wellness.  

Ms. Johnson is interested in collaborative and integrated healthcare because she is passionate about everyone having an opportunity to have access to psychiatric care and believes that collaborative and integrated healthcare is the pathway to achieve this. She appreciates being a part of the primary care, OB/GYN, and specialty care teams, and to be able to provide psychiatric care within the clinic where the patients already feel comfortable and are often well known to their care team.  Through this fellowship, she hopes to gain insight and a greater understanding of how collaborative care can give more patients access to psychiatric care. 

Ms. Johnson chose to participate in this fellowship to increase her knowledge and skill base in providing the collaborative healthcare that she plans to continue to develop and share within the clinic community and eventually, with the community-at-large.  

In 5 years, she hopes to see collaborative care continue to grow in practice and to be more widely accepted and utilized as the standard of care so that everyone that needs psychiatric care can access it.