2020-2021 Resident

Miji Um
Education: Indiana University – Purdue University Indianopolis
My research examines behavioral and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying emotion-based impulsivity and risk-taking. Specifically, I am interested in examining the relationship between positive urgency and alcohol-related risk-taking using oral alcohol administration and emotion induction methods as well as complex whole-brain connectomic analyses using resting-state fMRI data. My work is supported by NIAAA F31 fellowship (F31AA026767). Clinically, I am committed to working with diverse, underserved populations in mental health care. I value integrated primary care settings because I believe they provide access to care to hard-to-reach populations. I collaboratively work with my patients using evidence-based treatments, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, positive psychology principles, and skill-based behavioral strategies.
2019-2020 Resident

Kris Ma
Education: DePaul University
My research aims to promote health equity through multilevel interventions, community engagement, and systems change. I am specifically interested in disseminating and implementing integrated care interventions for underserved populations, particularly older adults and individuals with diverse backgrounds. Clinically, I enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams as a behavioral health provider. I use biopsychosocial, cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness-based, and culturally responsive approaches to work with clients in improving their physical and mental health.