Profile: Matthew Gunther, MD, MA

Dr. Matthew Gunther joined the faculty as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine in July 2023. He completed his residency training at the University of Southern California and a Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Fellowship at Stanford University. His interests in psychiatry include critical care, integrated care, neuropsychiatry, medical education, and psychopharmacology. Dr. Gunther works in the Integrated Behavioral Health program, with particular focus on resident-based primary care clinics. In addition, he is an attending on the Critical Care and Inpatient Consult-Liaison Psychiatry services. 

Dr. Gunther became interested in integrated care during residency and is excited to continue this work as an attending physician. He is particularly interested in improving access to psychiatric services for patients with limited resources and providing education to non-psychiatric providers on how to provide effective mental health treatment. He hopes to gain knowledge and expertise in effectively growing and managing an integrated care program, as well as further hone educational skills in teaching the integrated care models to trainees of all disciplines.

Through this program, Dr. Gunther hopes to effectively deliver and expand the services currently offered at Stanford to meet the needs of our growing population beyond the primary care clinics. Additionally, he plans to utilize this knowledge to train others in the integrated care model with a focus on sustainability and expansion. In the future, Dr. Gunther hopes integrated care becomes the new “standard of care” for mental health treatment, especially those with limited access to specialized psychiatric services.