“I think this rotation (ICTP Residency Program) offered the perfect amount of supervision/check-ins to provide guidance while also allowing for self-study of areas I was interested in.”
“The ICTP fellowship led me to consider population-based health on a deeper level. I improved my clinical skills in primary care psychiatry issues and learned to better analyze systems-based barriers and gaps in mental healthcare. After completing the fellowship, I have felt better prepared to help create integrated care solutions on a clinic- and systems-wide level. My fellowship experience has also led my colleagues to seek out my help on these issues, probably to a greater degree than if I did not have this formal training experience.”– Sara Haack, MD, MPH, 2016-17 Integrated Care Fellowship Graduate
“This fellowship (Community-Based Fellowship) provided me with so many valuable resources and information to assist me in becoming more knowledgeable and comfortable in my role as a psychiatric consultant and develop ideas and plans to help promote a much needed and critical path to access to mental health care.”
“Once you are past school and residency, it’s rare to have the opportunity to take part in such a well-structured program (Community-Based Fellowship) that goes into sufficient depth to really learn something.”
“The UW PACC Case Conferences has provided our rural/semi-rural clinical team the ability to access psychiatric/addiction expertise and case discussions that would be otherwise unavailable in our service area. These UW PACC case conferences have positively reinforced our local efforts to provide evidence-based treatment within harm reduction, low-barrier practice models.”
“The UW PACC program expands my professional network and inspires my thinking. I’m grateful for the time that the hosts put into choosing presenters and creating a supportive environment for case presentations. I’ve witnessed several people get unstuck on their thinking with the help of the group, which very likely affects their patients directly.”
“I am an ARNP, and a Mental Health Specialist working with elementary, middle and sometimes high school children through a School Based Health Clinic program. Through the several [UW PACC] presentations I have gained valuable information particularly regarding depression, alcohol abuse and suicide prevention which could be helpful in working with the population I serve although not intended for that particular age group. The kids I work with often have parents who engage in substance abuse and several of the kids referred to me have engaged in self harm, as well as substance abuse. I continue to be amazed at how young these behaviors begin! I have enjoyed each presentation and always found the information helpful and in many cases relevant. Thank you for offering this opportunity for continuing education.”
“Being able to participate in the monthly Psychiatric Consultant Learning Collaborative offered by the UW Integrated Care Program has been very helpful for me to understand the essential nuts and bolts of creating the structure and workflow necessary to conduct efficient and effective weekly case load reviews, which hopefully will help our new care manager get off to a great start working in our new program!”
“This rotation (ICTP Residency Program) has shown me what a huge impact collaborative care can have on addressing the shortage of mental health providers.”
“I definitely feel like I achieved my goals of learning more about the psychiatrist’s role in the collaborative care model and a lot more about telepsychiatry as well (ICTP Residency Program).”
“I think this rotation (ICTP Residency Program) offered the perfect amount of supervision/check-ins to provide guidance while also allowing for self-study of areas I was interested in.”
“The ICTP fellowship led me to consider population-based health on a deeper level. I improved my clinical skills in primary care psychiatry issues and learned to better analyze systems-based barriers and gaps in mental healthcare. After completing the fellowship, I have felt better prepared to help create integrated care solutions on a clinic- and systems-wide level. My fellowship experience has also led my colleagues to seek out my help on these issues, probably to a greater degree than if I did not have this formal training experience.”– Sara Haack, MD, MPH, 2016-17 Integrated Care Fellowship Graduate
“This fellowship (Community-Based Fellowship) provided me with so many valuable resources and information to assist me in becoming more knowledgeable and comfortable in my role as a psychiatric consultant and develop ideas and plans to help promote a much needed and critical path to access to mental health care.”
“Once you are past school and residency, it’s rare to have the opportunity to take part in such a well-structured program (Community-Based Fellowship) that goes into sufficient depth to really learn something.”
“The UW PACC Case Conferences has provided our rural/semi-rural clinical team the ability to access psychiatric/addiction expertise and case discussions that would be otherwise unavailable in our service area. These UW PACC case conferences have positively reinforced our local efforts to provide evidence-based treatment within harm reduction, low-barrier practice models.”
“The UW PACC program expands my professional network and inspires my thinking. I’m grateful for the time that the hosts put into choosing presenters and creating a supportive environment for case presentations. I’ve witnessed several people get unstuck on their thinking with the help of the group, which very likely affects their patients directly.”
“I am an ARNP, and a Mental Health Specialist working with elementary, middle and sometimes high school children through a School Based Health Clinic program. Through the several [UW PACC] presentations I have gained valuable information particularly regarding depression, alcohol abuse and suicide prevention which could be helpful in working with the population I serve although not intended for that particular age group. The kids I work with often have parents who engage in substance abuse and several of the kids referred to me have engaged in self harm, as well as substance abuse. I continue to be amazed at how young these behaviors begin! I have enjoyed each presentation and always found the information helpful and in many cases relevant. Thank you for offering this opportunity for continuing education.”
“Being able to participate in the monthly Psychiatric Consultant Learning Collaborative offered by the UW Integrated Care Program has been very helpful for me to understand the essential nuts and bolts of creating the structure and workflow necessary to conduct efficient and effective weekly case load reviews, which hopefully will help our new care manager get off to a great start working in our new program!”
“This rotation (ICTP Residency Program) has shown me what a huge impact collaborative care can have on addressing the shortage of mental health providers.”
“I definitely feel like I achieved my goals of learning more about the psychiatrist’s role in the collaborative care model and a lot more about telepsychiatry as well (ICTP Residency Program).”
“I think this rotation (ICTP Residency Program) offered the perfect amount of supervision/check-ins to provide guidance while also allowing for self-study of areas I was interested in.”