
Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care Curriculum

Developed by Ramanpreet Toor, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

This is a peer-reviewed curriculum which gives an introduction to integrated care consultation models in psychiatry with an emphasis on the Collaborative Care Model. The curriculum includes a set of lecture slides with a facilitator guide and a list of key articles to introduce integrated care models. These resources ares used to teach PGY-2 psychiatry residents here at the University of Washington, but the content can be used as an introduction to any level of trainees. Teaching this curriculum early on in the training helps residents to be familiar with population mental health, limited access to mental health care, and models that can help improve access.

  1. Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care Lecture
  2. List of Readings with Summaries and Reflection Questions


Telehealth 101 Curriculum

Developed by Jennifer M. Erickson, DO
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

This is a peer-reviewed clinical curriculum that teaches the breadth and depth of telehealth modalities through a flexible passport style teaching method. Through this teaching method, similar and related resources are utilized to teach PGY5 Collaborative Care fellows, teach telehealth population health principles to PGY2 residents, and introduce telehealth principles to PGY2 residents fitted to the amount of available rotation time. 

  1. Telehealth 101 Lecture
  2. Telemedicine Passport Style Curriculum