Kristin Bernhart, MD is a consulting Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Allegro Pediatrics, a multi-site pediatrics practice on the Seattle Eastside. Her role includes direct patient care of pediatric patients referred by Allegro pediatricians for diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations. She provides consultation to the pediatricians about the psychiatry and behavioral health care of their patients. She is also involved in the development of Allegro Pediatrics’ behavioral health program, with the goal of building a program that can better support Allegro pediatricians and reach a larger population of patients needing care.
Dr. Bernhart believes integrated care offers an approach that can broaden the impact of psychiatric and behavioral health care for many patients and families who might not otherwise be able to access needed care. The percent of pediatric patients experiencing psychiatry and behavioral health concerns is high, and growing, while the opportunity for treatment from clinicians with the experience, training, and expertise has not kept pace. Primary care pediatricians continue to be first line in identifying and treating many children and adolescents in need of such care. She believes families and their pediatricians can benefit from the added support provided by care managers and psychiatrist consultants in the integrated care model.
Allegro Pediatrics includes close to 100 pediatricians and cares for close to 100,000 pediatric patients in its practice. Dr. Bernhart’s hope is that by participating in the UW Community-Based Integrated Care Fellowship she will be able to help build an integrated behavioral health program at Allegro in order to broaden the reach of psychiatry and behavioral health care for their patients.
Five years from now, Dr. Bernhart hopes that the integrated care model will build traction in pediatrics to support the increasing numbers of children and adolescents in need of psychiatry and behavioral health care in our area.