Profile: Jürgen Unützer, MD, MPH, MA

Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Jürgen Unützer, MD, MPH, MA is an internationally recognized psychiatrist and health services researcher. His work focuses on innovative models that integrate mental health and general medical services and on translating research on evidence-based behavioral health interventions into effective clinical and public health practice. He has over 200 scientific publications and is the recipient of numerous federal and foundation grants and awards for his research to improve the health and mental health of populations through patient-centered integrated mental health services.

Dr. Unützer trained in Public Policy (MA, University of Chicago), Medicine (MD, Vanderbilt University) and Public Health (MPH, University of Washington). He completed fellowships in Geriatric Psychiatry at UCLA and in Primary Care Psychiatry / Health Services Research at the University of Washington. He is a professor in the University of Washington’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Chair of the department.