Training Requirements

  • Clinical Work: A minimum of 20 hours of clinical work per week is required. This will include clinical work at up to two locations. Residents will treat patients with brief evidence-based treatments, including scheduled visits with patients, being involved in warm hand offs and doing consultations as needed to assist primary care providers and the care teams to maximize treatment opportunities and engagement with patients. The residents’ primary responsibility will be to serve as a team consultant on cognitive-behavioral interventions and behavior management plans, to provide brief interventions grounded in empirically-supported approaches appropriate to the health and/or mental health condition, and treat patients directly with brief evidence based behavioral interventions. Residents in the program will be shadowing attending providers as well as being shadowed by attending providers. 
  • Rotations:
    • Chronic Conditions in Primary Care (July through June): Common chronic conditions in primary care can be improved with behavioral interventions that support lifestyle change, comorbid mental health conditions, and treatment adherence. Residents will learn about several common chronic health conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, obesity, insomnia, hypertension), common medical treatments, and brief behavioral interventions.
    • Addiction (September through December): Residents will shadow a Psychiatrist specializing in Addiction during clinic, observing and consulting on addiction cases, and learning about psychiatric treatments for addiction. Clinical supervision for Motivational Interviewing and brief addiction related interventions related to harm reduction and relapse prevention will also be provided. Residents will be encouraged to treat and co-treat addiction cases with psychiatric and primary care providers.
    • Chronic Pain and Trauma (January through June): Residents will learn brief CBT based interventions as part of a multidisciplinary treatment for chronic pain and how to support patients on long-term opioid therapy. Residents will also be encouraged to treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder using evidence based CBT (e.g., Cognitive Processing Therapy). 

  • Didactics: Residents in this program have access to multiple didactic series (Psychology Residency, Integrated Care Training Program, and Family Medicine. While some didactic series will be required, other didactics are available and can be used to design a program that meets the residents’ training needs.  
  • Teaching: Residents will be given the opportunity to prepare and present presentations on topics to be determined by the resident and their supervisor(s) through several avenues: UW PACC  and Family Medicine Residency.