Robert Hilt, MD is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital. He was trained as a general pediatrician at the University of Iowa and as an adult and child psychiatrist at the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Hilt has worked as a primary care pediatrician and as a pediatric hospitalist before his current career as a child psychiatrist. Dr. Hilt is the Program Director for the Partnership Access Line (PAL), a child mental health consultation service for primary care providers in both Wyoming and Washington. He is the Program Director for the Medicaid psychiatric Medication Second Opinion Programs of Wyoming, Washington and Alaska, and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Psychiatric Consult Service in Wyoming. He serves as a co-chair on the Committee on Collaboration with Medical Professions with the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, has served as the Mental Health Editor for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ PREP-Self Assessment, and serves on the editorial boards for both Pediatric Annals and Psychiatric Annals.