Cecilia Margret, MD, PhD, MPH

Collaborative Care for Populations - Child

Cecilia Margret, MD is from Madras, India, a sunny and humid coastal city where she completed her medical school and started her early pursuits in psychiatry. She then moved to the United States, to pursue developmental neuroscience and advanced psychiatric training. She studied different ideologies from neurophysiology to psychoanalytical frameworks and mental health care designs in her pursuit to understand the mind and matter while working concretely with children and families who are impacted by it. Following her core interest in expanding psychiatric health service and access to care, she completed an NIH fellowship in primary care psychiatric training under the guidance of Dr. Wayne Katon and explored collaborative models in child psychiatric care. She envisions her role, in the next five years, to expand child and adult psychiatric knowledge and services in primary care both local and global by partnering with collaborative minds. Her primary interests are consultation psychiatry, addressing diversity, preventive and collaborative child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) care, and global mental health.